Welp, I did a risky thing and up and moved back to the US during a Pandemic.
I felt I might be stuck teaching English for “The Rest of My Life” and an opportunity through some old friends to move to Los Angeles came up with access to a car, so I decided to take it!
It has been rough. I greatly miss Seoul and my friends there and my Mid-Life Crisis still feels like a Mid-Life Crisis. My flat is big and feels like it’s in a suburban neighborhood and everything is expensive here.
I’ve been applying to Media-related jobs but it’s been rough.
The upside is I have had so much Restless time on my hands that I finally finished the painting I started in Seoul in the last few months of access to the Korean Painting studios.
It ended up being a bit heavy-handed, but I’m pretty content with how colorful it is.
I wonder if I would have subdued the colors more if I had painted it in Seoul.
I need to start a campaign to fund my painting-on-silk-with-Korean-paints Habit!
It would be nice if someone would want to buy a print of my Mid-Life Crisis.
There are references to Buddhist and Christian art and Tarot symbology.
For example, the bottom row is the Far Past, the middle row is the Present, and the top row is hopes for the Future.
We are all little Buddhas trying to find our own Enlightenment.